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Tag Archives: Road trips with babies

Thursday’s Tips: how to road trip with a baby

I’ll preface by noting that this topic can vary substantially based on your baby’s age and temperament. I’ll just try to give some tips that have helped us on this past trip and in the past.
Did I mention before that we were road tripping it home to Ann Arbor Michigan from Minneapolis? We drove through the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It was actually really cool! I’ll post about that trip later!
My 10 month old has been a hater of her carseat recently so I was quite nervous to take her on the 12 hour trip. He is how we coped.
1. Have tons of toys and snacks handy. My girl is fond of tossing something as quickly as you hand it to her so I have to have lots of spares.
2. Drive only during regular nap times and only stop when they wake up. This takes some extra planning before hand but it is sooo worth it! I planned our our stops based on her sleeping and made sure we has enough gas and didn’t need bathroom breaks during her nap time.
3. Rolled down windows is great white noise. For some reason, shortly after rolling down the windows, she would drift off.
4. Have electronics or music handy. If your child is at the age to enjoy these things, they are life savers.

So I hope your child doesn’t look like this on your next road trip! Have you been on a road trip lately? How did your child do?
