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Tuesday Review Day: Berry Picking in Washtenaw County

I grew up in Pennsylvania with a huge raspberry patch in my backyard.  Every summer I could gorge myself on as many raspberries as I wanted and there was alway a plethora of homemade jam and raspberry desserts in our home.  So I never really had a concept of how expensive these precious berries were to purchase at the grocery store.  I was a little sticker shocked the first time I tried to buy some.

Because I’m cheap, I haven’t really bought fresh raspberries ever, until this year.  Michigan is known for its berry picking, so my family and I ventured out to harvest our own berries and purchase them for a discounted rate.  (when you do all the work, its cheaper)

Washtenaw County (where Ann Arbor is located) has a few places for berry lovers, who don’t mind the picking.  We’ve heard that Wasem Fruit Farm is the best, and we weren’t disappointed! They charge $3 per carton and you can pick as much as you want.  They have a few varieties of raspberries and also blackberries.  In the fall they have apples to pick.  Check out their Facebook Page for current information.

One caution, the sign along the road (where you turn off) is a bit small so be careful that you don’t drive past.  I personally think they could do a better job advertising themselves along the road, but thats just my opinion 🙂

Raspberry picking at Wasem Fruit Farm.

Raspberry picking at Wasem Fruit Farm.

I made some delicious freezer jam and a raspberry crisp with these! Yumm!

Fall is the Best Season in Ann Arbor!

Fall is my favorite season and I am happy to be back east (well more east than Utah, where we used to live) for this time of year.  I love the smells, the colors, the foods, football season and more about fall.  In fact, the only thing I don’t like is that fall turns into winter.  Winters are pretty miserable in the midwest, in case you didn’t know.

Anyway, I will be posting about lots of fun things that Ann Arbor has to offer this time of year so stay tuned.  Are you looking forward to fall too? What are you favorite things about this season?

Autumn in Ann Arbor.

Thursday’s Tips: When is the best time to book a flight?

Sorry- Thursday’s Tip is going to be on Friday this week.  My computer crashed a few months back.  It wasn’t a big problem then because my husband would leave his computer with me while he worked, well now he is back in school and I don’t have access to any internet other than on my phone.  So I’ll just add the computer issues to the list of my excuses for not being the best blogger!  🙂 We are hoping to get me something soon so I don’t have to use his any longer.

Anyway,  I have some family booking plane tickets and they were asking me when the best time to purchase tickets prior to a flight.  Should they plan way in advance? (Like my brother who wants me to look at tickets for him for next summer already) Or wait till the last minute? (like my parents who are leaving to see my grandma in only a few weeks)  So I did a little research.

Turns out that according to a study that did based on a year’s worth of data, it is best to book a domestic flight 21 days prior to departure and an international flight 34 days before.  These are the sweet spots, so its cheapest then, not before or after.  So hopefully this knowledge will help you next time you are booking a flight!

I personally will be flying to Chicago in a couple weeks for a girls trip–first time that I’ll be away from my baby for a whole night!  I’m way excited!  And I will make sure to take pictures and visit some fun places to tell you about!

Last time I was in Chicago at the Bean.

Last time I was in Chicago at the Bean.

A Few Great Things About Ann Arbor, Michigan

Here are just a few perks about living in Ann Arbor.

1. College Football- Who can’t love the largest football stadium in the country.  It is always filled to capacity with 100,000 people plus!  I don’t attend anymore now that I have a baby.  Trust me, these games are not baby friendly, but my husband has season tickets so he enjoyed a game under the lights on Saturday.

The Michigan Stadium. Sorry for the poor picture–I thought we had a better one than this. Guess I’ll have to get the hubby to take another sometime!

2.  Zingerman’s– This deli, restaurant, bakery, creamery (yes they have all of these) produce some of the best food in Ann Arbor.  Its all organic, local and natural ingredients and always delicious.  They have many different locations throughout the city to house all of their different food arms.  Anyone who is anyone has to try it!

Some famous sandwiches and an “Michigan” cookie to celebrate game day. Go Blue!

Have you ever been to a Michigan football game?  Have any questions about what its like on game day?  Send me an email or comment below if you have any thoughts or questions! Happy Monday!