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Tag Archives: flying with a 9 month old

Thursday’s Tips: How to entertain your baby on a plane

All of my tips have been about flying so far. (see my earlier posts here and here) That’s because it’s on my mind a lot lately as we gear up to take yet another flight. And yes I’ll be alone again!

I mentioned earlier that my 9 month old is very active and squirmy. Keeping her entertained for a few hours is no small feat. And being in a claustrophobic plane ups the challenge. Ah if only I had a private jet…then I wouldn’t have these challenges. But since I’m not that lucky and probably most of you aren’t either, I am sharing some ideas on how to keep our little ones occupied and therefore keeping us sane!

1. Lots of snacks and preferably those that take your baby a long time to eat. Remember to put these in an easily accessible spot because nothing’s worse than digging through bags under your seat while holding a baby. Those who have done it know its pretty impossible!

2. Visit the dollar store or the dollar bin at Target. Pick out some new and cheap toys. Do Not bring your baby’s regular toys. You will lose them. Either you little one will chuck them rows away or they’ll get lost any way possible. Which reminds me…always bring extras of everything!

3. Wrap these toys like presents. Your baby will love the paper, the task of unwrapping and even the tape. I haven’t tried this but I’ve heard people say that babies love masking tape! So use that and pretend its Christmas in August.

4. Fill a wipes case with little scraps of fabric. They will enjoy pulling them out and if you lose some, no worries!

5. Finally, there are electronics. Many people say their children enjoy Baby Einstein. My daughter isn’t really into that yet and I’ve been trying to wait as long as I can before introducing things like iPads and tv.

So I’m going to try a few of these and report back to you next week.
Do you have any other tips?


Since you probably don’t need to see pictures of the stuff I’ll bring on the plane, I’ll leave you with a picture of my baby waving bye!