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Tag Archives: Best time to purchase a plane ticket

Thursday’s Tips: When is the best time to book a flight?

Sorry- Thursday’s Tip is going to be on Friday this week.  My computer crashed a few months back.  It wasn’t a big problem then because my husband would leave his computer with me while he worked, well now he is back in school and I don’t have access to any internet other than on my phone.  So I’ll just add the computer issues to the list of my excuses for not being the best blogger!  🙂 We are hoping to get me something soon so I don’t have to use his any longer.

Anyway,  I have some family booking plane tickets and they were asking me when the best time to purchase tickets prior to a flight.  Should they plan way in advance? (Like my brother who wants me to look at tickets for him for next summer already) Or wait till the last minute? (like my parents who are leaving to see my grandma in only a few weeks)  So I did a little research.

Turns out that according to a study that did based on a year’s worth of data, it is best to book a domestic flight 21 days prior to departure and an international flight 34 days before.  These are the sweet spots, so its cheapest then, not before or after.  So hopefully this knowledge will help you next time you are booking a flight!

I personally will be flying to Chicago in a couple weeks for a girls trip–first time that I’ll be away from my baby for a whole night!  I’m way excited!  And I will make sure to take pictures and visit some fun places to tell you about!

Last time I was in Chicago at the Bean.

Last time I was in Chicago at the Bean.