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Tag Archives: Best place to pick berries in Ann Arbor

Tuesday Review Day: Berry Picking in Washtenaw County

I grew up in Pennsylvania with a huge raspberry patch in my backyard.  Every summer I could gorge myself on as many raspberries as I wanted and there was alway a plethora of homemade jam and raspberry desserts in our home.  So I never really had a concept of how expensive these precious berries were to purchase at the grocery store.  I was a little sticker shocked the first time I tried to buy some.

Because I’m cheap, I haven’t really bought fresh raspberries ever, until this year.  Michigan is known for its berry picking, so my family and I ventured out to harvest our own berries and purchase them for a discounted rate.  (when you do all the work, its cheaper)

Washtenaw County (where Ann Arbor is located) has a few places for berry lovers, who don’t mind the picking.  We’ve heard that Wasem Fruit Farm is the best, and we weren’t disappointed! They charge $3 per carton and you can pick as much as you want.  They have a few varieties of raspberries and also blackberries.  In the fall they have apples to pick.  Check out their Facebook Page for current information.

One caution, the sign along the road (where you turn off) is a bit small so be careful that you don’t drive past.  I personally think they could do a better job advertising themselves along the road, but thats just my opinion 🙂

Raspberry picking at Wasem Fruit Farm.

Raspberry picking at Wasem Fruit Farm.

I made some delicious freezer jam and a raspberry crisp with these! Yumm!