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Fall is the Best Season in Ann Arbor!

Fall is my favorite season and I am happy to be back east (well more east than Utah, where we used to live) for this time of year.  I love the smells, the colors, the foods, football season and more about fall.  In fact, the only thing I don’t like is that fall turns into winter.  Winters are pretty miserable in the midwest, in case you didn’t know.

Anyway, I will be posting about lots of fun things that Ann Arbor has to offer this time of year so stay tuned.  Are you looking forward to fall too? What are you favorite things about this season?

Autumn in Ann Arbor.

Where is your dream destination?

Mine is Bora Bora, Tahiti.  For some reason I have always wanted to go there, well I know the reason, it looks simply gorgeous!  It has always been out of my husband and I’s budget, but someday we will get there.

I am basically obsessed with beaches! Growing up my family never got to rent a beach house or go on any normal vacation like that.  Every trip was spent driving long distances to visit relatives, none of which lived by a beach.  So when I started going on my own trips, I ALWAYS want to hit up a beach.  And Bora Bora just looks like the best one yet!

Where is you top destination?  Are you obsessed with beaches too?

Sorry for the Absence

So I promised that I would be blogging during my almost 3 week vacation/traveling.  Well, I underestimated how hard that would be- especially since I didn’t have my computer most of the time, my baby had a horrible cold and was EXTREMELY clingy and we were running all over the place most of the time.  

Anyway, I am happy to be back and I will posting much more I promise!  I have lots to fill you in on.  I leave you with a picture from part of our trip. 


Pictured Rocks -Lake Superior

Do your kids adjust well while traveling?

Sorry this isn’t my normal Friday post, nor have I been keeping up with blogging.

We arrived in Utah after my worst flight with my little one yet. That is what I get for saying how great a flier she was in previous posts.

What I learned from my flight
-always bring extra pants/outfits in your diaper bag even if you think they’ve grown out of that phase!

-never let them nap before you get on the plane. I thought she’d be more manageable if she wasn’t tired, but it was actually harder since she wouldn’t nap at all!

Since we’ve been in Utah she has had a hard time adjusting to the new crib, missing naps and lots of new people she doesn’t recognize.

She was an amazing baby the last time we visited when she was about 5 months old. So if you are considering taking a trip when you have a young baby I definitely recommend going when your baby is 3-6 months old. 9 months is much harder for my baby, she is much more active and isn’t willing to be watched by anyone else.

Do you have any tips on how to help your kids adjust to new places and people?
