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Category Archives: Thursday’s Tips

Thursday’s Tips: When is the best time to book a flight?

Sorry- Thursday’s Tip is going to be on Friday this week.  My computer crashed a few months back.  It wasn’t a big problem then because my husband would leave his computer with me while he worked, well now he is back in school and I don’t have access to any internet other than on my phone.  So I’ll just add the computer issues to the list of my excuses for not being the best blogger!  🙂 We are hoping to get me something soon so I don’t have to use his any longer.

Anyway,  I have some family booking plane tickets and they were asking me when the best time to purchase tickets prior to a flight.  Should they plan way in advance? (Like my brother who wants me to look at tickets for him for next summer already) Or wait till the last minute? (like my parents who are leaving to see my grandma in only a few weeks)  So I did a little research.

Turns out that according to a study that did based on a year’s worth of data, it is best to book a domestic flight 21 days prior to departure and an international flight 34 days before.  These are the sweet spots, so its cheapest then, not before or after.  So hopefully this knowledge will help you next time you are booking a flight!

I personally will be flying to Chicago in a couple weeks for a girls trip–first time that I’ll be away from my baby for a whole night!  I’m way excited!  And I will make sure to take pictures and visit some fun places to tell you about!

Last time I was in Chicago at the Bean.

Last time I was in Chicago at the Bean.

Thursday’s Tips: how to road trip with a baby

I’ll preface by noting that this topic can vary substantially based on your baby’s age and temperament. I’ll just try to give some tips that have helped us on this past trip and in the past.
Did I mention before that we were road tripping it home to Ann Arbor Michigan from Minneapolis? We drove through the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. It was actually really cool! I’ll post about that trip later!
My 10 month old has been a hater of her carseat recently so I was quite nervous to take her on the 12 hour trip. He is how we coped.
1. Have tons of toys and snacks handy. My girl is fond of tossing something as quickly as you hand it to her so I have to have lots of spares.
2. Drive only during regular nap times and only stop when they wake up. This takes some extra planning before hand but it is sooo worth it! I planned our our stops based on her sleeping and made sure we has enough gas and didn’t need bathroom breaks during her nap time.
3. Rolled down windows is great white noise. For some reason, shortly after rolling down the windows, she would drift off.
4. Have electronics or music handy. If your child is at the age to enjoy these things, they are life savers.

So I hope your child doesn’t look like this on your next road trip! Have you been on a road trip lately? How did your child do?


To take or not to take the stroller?

I know it’s really Tuesday not Thursday but this week I’m going to post tips today instead of a review.

I’m chilling in the delta sky lounge with a baby napping in my arms. Sadly I couldn’t keep her awake long enough so she could nap on the plane. This is going to be a long flight!

Anyway, have you ever stressed about whether you should bring that big honking stroller with you through the airport? Or should you check it at the gate and use your baby carrier thing? I’ve heard various opinions on the subject, but before we get there here are the facts.

You have to fold the stroller up and put in on the conveyer belt in security! this can be super annoying if you are alone, you have a complicated stroller, etc.

If you choose to wear a baby Bjorn instead of pushing a stroller, you will be told to take the baby out for take off and landing, regardless if they are sleeping or not! I once had to wake a sleeping baby because of this. Never again.

So I have tried all the above when it comes to strollers. My strollers and car seats have not been damaged when checked at security or the plane gate…knock on wood. I personally prefer using the stroller in the airport while flying alone. Yes it just adds to the stuff you have to lug through the airport, but it helps me carry all my stuff. (I hook bags on the handles) Also, my city mini is easy to fold and unfold with one hand.

Overall, do what makes you most comfortable and you may have to try a couple different ways..I did. Good luck with your flights! My heart goes out to all those moms flying alone with babes!


Thursday’s Tips: How to entertain your baby on a plane

All of my tips have been about flying so far. (see my earlier posts here and here) That’s because it’s on my mind a lot lately as we gear up to take yet another flight. And yes I’ll be alone again!

I mentioned earlier that my 9 month old is very active and squirmy. Keeping her entertained for a few hours is no small feat. And being in a claustrophobic plane ups the challenge. Ah if only I had a private jet…then I wouldn’t have these challenges. But since I’m not that lucky and probably most of you aren’t either, I am sharing some ideas on how to keep our little ones occupied and therefore keeping us sane!

1. Lots of snacks and preferably those that take your baby a long time to eat. Remember to put these in an easily accessible spot because nothing’s worse than digging through bags under your seat while holding a baby. Those who have done it know its pretty impossible!

2. Visit the dollar store or the dollar bin at Target. Pick out some new and cheap toys. Do Not bring your baby’s regular toys. You will lose them. Either you little one will chuck them rows away or they’ll get lost any way possible. Which reminds me…always bring extras of everything!

3. Wrap these toys like presents. Your baby will love the paper, the task of unwrapping and even the tape. I haven’t tried this but I’ve heard people say that babies love masking tape! So use that and pretend its Christmas in August.

4. Fill a wipes case with little scraps of fabric. They will enjoy pulling them out and if you lose some, no worries!

5. Finally, there are electronics. Many people say their children enjoy Baby Einstein. My daughter isn’t really into that yet and I’ve been trying to wait as long as I can before introducing things like iPads and tv.

So I’m going to try a few of these and report back to you next week.
Do you have any other tips?


Since you probably don’t need to see pictures of the stuff I’ll bring on the plane, I’ll leave you with a picture of my baby waving bye!

Thursday’s Tips: Flying ALONE with a Baby

I have been ‘lucky’ enough to fly alone with my baby at least 4 times so far.  (she is only just over 9 months)  The older she gets, the harder she gets.  I am preparing to make a trip to Salt Lake City to visit my husband’s family.  We leave in two weeks and, yes, I am already planning ahead.  I’m like that!

Anyway, my daughter is actually usually very well behaved on plane rides.  She rarely cries, and when she does I just feed her.  But it is quite a challenge to hold her squirmy, chubby body in a confined space!  She is not a fan of sitting still!  I am just a little nervous for this upcoming adventure.  Luckily, this flight is direct and not as long as previous flights.

My overall tips for flying alone are these:

1. Just breathe- I’ve come close to breaking down into tears out of exhaustion or from just being overwhelmed.  Usually you can look around with that “I’m going to kill over any second now” look and some kind stranger will come to your rescue.

2. Accept strangers’ help-  I am not usually a fan of letting complete strangers hold my baby or even letting people carry my bags for me.  But when I am alone with my baby on an airplane or in the airport, all my rules about this kind of stuff are thrown out the window.  People wouldn’t offer to help if they truly did not want to, so I say go ahead.  Let the stewardess hold your baby while you squeeze into that minuscule bathroom.

3. Pick a window seat- I have tried window seats and aisle seats and I prefer the window.  I really didn’t think the extra arm space would make a difference, but it does.  The extra space is even worth making the other two people get up and move when you have to go to the bathroom.

4. Take as little as possible with you-  I don’t really take my own advice with this one, but I try.  It is challenging enough to have a baby, let alone having multiple carry-ons and extra items.  I resolve to be more organized this trip…I always say that.

Finally, I’m sure you’ve seen this idea on Pinterest.  Someone had the cute idea to give a little baggie full of goodies like earplugs, candy etc to thank people and prepare them for sitting near their child.  I have encountered many kind and patient people while flying with my little one.  Strangers usually go out of their way to help me.  This time I am prepared to thank them, since a simple “thank you” doesn’t seem to be enough.

I filled these little baggies with Reese’s Pieces with a note saying, “Thank you for helping make this trip a “piece” of cake!”  (note: have I said that we are subleasing here?  Well, at home I have access to cute paper and markers, but here I don’t even have a Sharpie.  I didn’t want to go out and buy stuff that I have at home, so please excuse my post it note)

Also excuse the poor photography.

Also, excuse the poor photography.


Thursday’s Tips: Flying with a Baby- What to do with the Carseat?

I have flown quite a few times with my baby in her 9 month life.  Most of these flights I have been alone with her and my biggest problem is always my excessive amount of luggage and stuff!   I would love it if her big, bulky carseat would just magically appear in the car when we landed, but sadly that won’t happen in my life time.  Luging the carseat on trips is one of the biggest pains when traveling with a baby.  (especially now that she sits in a bigger, convertible seat instead of the baby carrier)

So I asked my fellow mom friends for some advice and here is what I have decided on.  The past few times I have flown, I used my new car seat travel bag by JL Childress which I bought at (here it is) I’m sure there are many other brands similar to this, but I liked the price of this one and have liked it so far.

This bag fits many popular carseat brands and has nifty straps so you can wear it like a backpack.  There is actually one exactly like it that has wheels and a handle. Maybe I should have got that one. It’s only about $4 more.

You might be saying that you don’t feel like you need to spend $34 to cover your carseat.  I know its just one more thing in the forever long list of things you need for your kid, but trust me, this thing is worth it!  (at least for me).

I think its easiest to zip my carseat up in this and then check it at the baggage check when you first check in.  Then I don’t have to worry about my carseat being trashed as it goes through baggage claim and I also don’t have to drag it with me through the airport.  (I always have WAY too much stuff with me when I fly and having a baby has made it so much worse) Oh and best of all, the airlines don’t charge you anything to check your carseat.  That’s right, it is FREE!  Music to my ears.

Finally, I will tell you a secret.  I hope I don’t get into trouble telling you this… My good friend shared this with me, so I’m just passing it on.  So when you zip up your carseat, depending on the size of the seat, you will probably have some extra room to stuff a coat or shoes or whatever.  I have never had an airline worker check inside my carseat bag, nor have they weighed it.  I have gotten away with filling my bag with random stuff that doesn’t fit in my carry ons.  This has saved me from paying for a checked bag.  Hey, a girl will do anything to save $25.  Am I right?!