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To take or not to take the stroller?

I know it’s really Tuesday not Thursday but this week I’m going to post tips today instead of a review.

I’m chilling in the delta sky lounge with a baby napping in my arms. Sadly I couldn’t keep her awake long enough so she could nap on the plane. This is going to be a long flight!

Anyway, have you ever stressed about whether you should bring that big honking stroller with you through the airport? Or should you check it at the gate and use your baby carrier thing? I’ve heard various opinions on the subject, but before we get there here are the facts.

You have to fold the stroller up and put in on the conveyer belt in security! this can be super annoying if you are alone, you have a complicated stroller, etc.

If you choose to wear a baby Bjorn instead of pushing a stroller, you will be told to take the baby out for take off and landing, regardless if they are sleeping or not! I once had to wake a sleeping baby because of this. Never again.

So I have tried all the above when it comes to strollers. My strollers and car seats have not been damaged when checked at security or the plane gate…knock on wood. I personally prefer using the stroller in the airport while flying alone. Yes it just adds to the stuff you have to lug through the airport, but it helps me carry all my stuff. (I hook bags on the handles) Also, my city mini is easy to fold and unfold with one hand.

Overall, do what makes you most comfortable and you may have to try a couple different ways..I did. Good luck with your flights! My heart goes out to all those moms flying alone with babes!


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